MEETINGS of the East Africa Study Circle are held in London at the Union Jack Club, Sandell Street, London SE1 8UJ UK (See Map) on Saturday afternoons in late February and late September (to coincide with Stampex) and in mid June.
These meetings usually feature a presentation and display of philatelic material by one or more members, leading to a lively and informative discussion. A 'Members' Participation' display is when all members are invited to bring a few sheets (from 1 to 40) on a specific topic and, in this way, material from a wide range of people can be viewed.
The February and September meetings are preceded by an Auction of members' material (which accepts postal or email bids) and the June meeting starts with a Bourse when members can offer any items they wish to sell.
Topics covered at recent meetings have included:
World War I in East Africa
(A 'Members' Participation' display)
The German and European Influence on East Africa
(A 'Members' Participation' display)
East Africa and Uganda Protectorates 1902 – 1922
(A 'Members' Participation' display)
Display by the Scottish members of the EASC
Kenya and Uganda 1920-1934
(A 'Members' Participation' display)
Early British East Africa by J Wilks